The awaiting NOVEMBER

November is a special month for me and my family.

1/11/every year -
All Saints Day- a day of remembering all the saints. All saints have glorified God from their daily lives, their humble in accomplishing the tasks given by God. They are our role models to be nearer to God. I have heard that "we are called to be saints" a few times, from thinking that it is impossible till treating this calling as my vision...I do not how to across my limit to achieve this vision. Hope that one day I still can help many people even though I'm not a saint.
It is also Mummy's Birthday!! My mum has a special day of birth. She is a saint for me. I do not know how to describe her love. It might not be able to move everyone's heart, but I'm touch. Miss her! When I saw my friend celebrating his birthday here, I can imagine how desperate he wants the wishes and companionship from his family.

2/11/every year-
All Souls Day- it can be described as Catholic's Qing Ming. It is a day of remeberance our ancestors and our deceased family members. May light of God shine upon them, rest in Peace. Every year, I will go to cemetery with my family and relatives. We lit the candles and said a few prayers. I'm convinced that my ah gong, ah ma, tai gong, tai ma, ah pek and all the souls can hear our prayers. Through praying, I offer myself and put all my hopes on God, and once again I dwell again in His great love.

This year, I couldn't attend both in Malaysia. I hope that I can remember to go to mass on these 2 special days.


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