Resolution continues

Left 2 weeks only from Easter, we were encouraged by the priest today to continue our resolution made during this lent, either fail or success and start all over again from now.

Learning and having high tendency to escape myself again from problems, swallowing saliver to control what I was going to say in a conversation. I have to admit that to forget and forgive isn't an easy task to be challenged over. 

I watched a video today, a Buddhist monk who talked about the passion of the Christ. Feeling quite shameful after watching it actually because he could understand the mystery of the passion so well than me who is a Christ follower. “装作若无其事,重新出发,这样原谅就变得容易了" 

God touches people in different ways. He touched the monk,gave him the wisdom to ask people to be good. He has touched and inspired many great people. He touches me too and wants me to learn. Comparing myself with others, I am just a small child who should fish on my own but yet still waiting for people to fish for me. 

2 weeks aren't a short period. Since I still have these 14 days, I want to grow up again and making His way as my way. Not easy, but it can be pursued. ~All is well~


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