Just a BIBLE story

Recently, I have a long chat with my friend. We chatted about our relationship and faith. It seems like our topics will not be diverted from faith as both of us believe that we are fully belong to our faith. Finally, my friend has let go and draws a beautiful full stop with peace of mind for her problem. I am happy for her although I didn't manage to help her much. I don't know why God is so great. One of us lost, found no purpose of living but when she was found again in God, both of us learned something new. Undeniably, God is the master in "one stone kills 2 birds". There are a few phrases that I would like to note in down here:

-You are my BIBLE.
This is a huge word to describe a person but it is possible. As a Christian, you have to read and more importantly, to live up the BIBLE. 
I was touched when my friend said this to me. I am touched not because I am the bible, but the confidence that my friend was giving me at that time.She was courage enough to say that. As a reply, I said a truth to her, "you are my bible".

When we are struggling for the hardship of our live, this is actually penance given by God. After this trial, everything will be smooth.

When you are praising God, Holy Spirit is praising Him with you.
Listen but not hear, see but not perceive and not understand. It is only when Holy Spirit reveals to you, then only you can hear, perceive and understand and then praise the God. 

Thanks God for always being with us.


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