There are things you just have to learn
I am learning to say HELLO with a smile and to walk alone back without goodbye.
I am learning to be patient when there is no response after non-stopped pleading.
I am learning to live well with the environment but sometimes I will look up to the sky and say :" What am I doing?"
A girl who loves herself dreaming big, but reality makes her small.
A girl who believes friendship of a second could mean the friendship for life, yet she could have no friend in a second.
A girl who chooses to be alone.
Then, I am learning to pray in faith.
I am learning to accept God's grace and most importantly, to believe in it.
I am learning to build a relationship with Him after failing for many times.
I am learning to pray with heart before I speak with mouth.
A girl who hopes that it will be okay.
A girl who hopes she make changes for a better world.
A girl who wishes that she could be better.
And then, I am learning to cry.
I am learning that the world isn't round for everyone.
I am learning that to know nowhere I could stand could absorb myself so much in fear.
I am learning that there is still courage I have to learn.
Life could be difficult to me, but I believe a plant grow with stress factors could be more beautiful.
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